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News & Announcements
Suffern Central Universal Pre-Kindergarten Registration is Live!
Our two-way dual language Immersion program is expanding for the 2025-26 school year! The program is open to incoming kindergarten and first-grade students at our current location, Sloatsburg Elementary School, and we hope to also expand two-way dual language classes at RP Connor Elementary School next year.
Not only is today the Friday before a break, but it’s also Valentine’s Day AND the Rockland Read In, an event dedicated to celebrating the joy of reading. The classrooms of Suffern Central were filled today with parents, administrators, police officers, Rotarians, Board of Education members and local business owners who generously gave their time to read to our students. Thank you to everyone who participated. With a snowy weekend ahead, it’s the perfect time to cozy up with a good book!
The first Wednesday in February is designated as the Global School Play Day, a day dedicated to the power of unstructured playtime in education. As you can see from the photos, our elementary schools clearly understood the assignment!
Do you know how to write your name using hieroglyphics, the ancient Egyptian writing system? First graders at Sloatsburg Elementary do, as part of their unit on Early World Civilizations. All month they've been learning about ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia and to complement their lessons, today they practiced penning their names using the character driven system (if you have more than one letter "A" in your name, it was definitely a challenge!)
December 9-15 is Computer Science Education Week, a span of time dedicated to teaching children about computer science and celebrating pioneers in the field. Suffern Central celebrated CsEd Week in a variety of ways and first up was an activity that first graders in Mr. Zink's class at Sloatsburg Elementary participated in (with the assist of second graders).
Pirate PRIDE
This acronym encourages students to strive for their best, treat others with kindness, act honestly, stay committed to their goals, and show understanding and compassion towards others.